

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago

Transforming the XML using jEdit


Instructions to use the EpiDoc XSLT stylesheets to render and view your own XML files. These notes apply to jEdit 4.2; older versions may exhibit minor differences in behaviour. (To enable XML and XSLT handling in jEdit, see the subsections below.)


There are some bugs in jEdit performance: we have documented work-arounds to three of these serious problems below.


  1. Open the XML file in jEdit. If the XSLT Processor is not already open, click on the 'XSLT Processor' tab (we recommend docking this tab at the bottom of the window but some may prefer to open a 'floating' window.)
  2. Select stylesheets to apply:
    1. Click on the '+' button to the right of the 'Stylesheet' box
    2. Find '\epidoc-xsl\util\force-namespace-tei.xsl' on your computer
    3. Click on 'Open' to select the file
    4. Repeat to add '\epidoc-xsl\html\epidoc.xsl'
    5. (Ensure that 'force-namespace-tei.xsl' is above 'epidoc.xsl'. If it comes below, click on one of the files, and move them into the correct order using the directional arrows to the lower right of the box.)
    6. (You can remove stylesheets from the list by selecting the filename and clicking on the '-' button, which is below the '+' button. )
  3. The 'Parameter' function in the jEdit XSLT processor does not appear to work as of version 4.2. For the workaround, see 'Setting the CSS parameter' below.
  4. Under 'Source XML' on the right of the XSLT panel, select 'Current buffer'. (Running the file from disc can cause problems with Greek Unicode output.)
  5. Under 'Result', enter the path and name for the output file
    1. The first time you transform a given XML file, the output HTML will open in a new buffer and you should manually save it (see 8. below)
    2. On future saves you can click the button on the right to find the path and select the file from the HTML folder on your computer
    3. (It is this location you need to be aware of when 'Setting the CSS parameter' below.)
  6. Make sure your EpiDoc XML file is the active buffer (at the front of the jEdit windows)
  7. Click the 'xml + xsl =' button to run the process
    1. You will see the raw html in jEdit
  8. If a new file, manually save the output to the HTML folder on your computer
    1. Name the file
  9. Go to where the file is saved to open it in your web browser


XSLT Plugin required


The above instructions assume that you have the JEdit XSLT plugin installed. In order to install it:


  1. Select Plugins -> Plugin Manager
  2. Select the "Install" tab
  3. Wait for the Plugins list to download
  4. Click the word "Name" above the column of plugin names to sort them alphabetically
  5. Scroll down and select the checkbox for "XSLT" (note: the plugin manager will automatically select some other plugins, which are needed by the XSLT plugin)
  6. Select the "Install" button
  7. If you get "timeout" errors:
    1. Select the "download options" button
    2. Select "Update mirrors list" button
    3. Choose one of the mirror sites
    4. Select the "apply" button
    5. Select the "ok" button
  8. Try to download and install the plugin again using the steps above



Setting the CSS Parameter


At the moment the parameter function in jEdit does not seem to work correctly (as of version 4.2). The EpiDoc stylesheets require one parameter to be set, which needs to be edited by hand in your local copy of the stylesheets; this is the standalonecss parameter (which tells the output HTML where to find the CSS which displays it correctly in the browser).


  1. Open epidoc-xsl\html\epidoc.xsl inside jEdit.
  2. Look for: <xsl:param name="standalonecss">
  3. Change the path to where 'epidocscreen.css' is kept on your computer. (If using a relative path - e.g. "..\css\" - remember this relationship is between your output file and the CSS; this problem is avoided by making the path absolute.)

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